Sound Training discounted offer for Warwickshire schools

As part of the Closing the Gap project a Sound Training Pilot was run at George Eliot School in spring 2016. The results were impressive with Year 10 SEND and Pupil Premium pupils gaining on average 30 months in reading after 6 one hour sessions.

Following the success of the pilot, the Local Authority has negotiated a discount for Warwickshire schools who wish to sign up to the Sound Training programme, subject to the number of schools taking part. Although the costs are high there are significant benefits. The costs vary from £50-£75 per pupil depending on the model. Alternatively schools may wish to consider a collaborative model which would allow them to purchase a one-year licence. For example, six people could be trained to use Sound Training from KS2 - KS5 at a cost of £14,200 for the first year, which could be split across 2 or 3 schools.

We have arranged a session for you to hear more about the programme from Sound Training on:

Monday 15th May, 2.00-4.00

The Pound Lane Learning Centre,

Leamington Spa

CV32 7RT

To book a place please email sophiethompson@warwickshire.gov.uk or telephone 01926 746961.

Sound Training is the acclaimed, fast, focused fun literacy programme for ages 9-18. Perfect use of Pupil Premium funding and ideal for all but the very weakest students. Delivered by our teachers or your own trained staff, dramatic improvements in comprehension, decoding, spelling and vocabulary raise achievement across the curriculum.

Proud to be SSAT’s leading literacy partner and to work in partnership with over 500 schools across England and Wales, including a number of MATs and alternative education providers. We raise reading ages by an average of 27 months in 6 weeks, with case studies available on our website www.soundtraining.co.uk

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