Headteachers' Briefings
It was pleasing to see many of you at the primary and secondary headteachers' briefings held at the end of March. We were also pleased to have a number of headteachers contributing to the agenda as we know how much you value being able to hear from colleagues about their successes and experiences. Thank you to all those who contributed.
The spring term briefings provided key updates on the following:
- Key messages in relation to Ofsted, Closing the Gap, the Apprenticeship Levy etc.
- Local Authority Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)
- The National Funding Formula and Early Years Funding
- School Improvement Developments and the role of the Education Challenge Board / consortia chairs
- Early Help Arrangements
- Area Behaviour Partnerships (secondary)
- SEND provision developments and AET (Primary).
Secondary colleagues also heard from fellow headteachers: Phil Kelly from Higham Lane School about how his school is successfully helping to 'Close the Gap', and Siona Robson, Kineton High School on her recent Ofsted inspection that resulted in the school retaining its good judgement.
Suzanne O'Farrell, from the Association of School and College Leaders and Peter Kent presented an overview of the impact of curriculum, GCSE and other qualification changes for secondary school leaders.
All of the slides and additional papers are now available. The link will be circulated after the Easter holidays but if anyone would like the slides before then please contact Ruth Waterman on 01926 742075 email ruthwaterman@warwickshire.gov.uk
The briefings are a valuable opportunity to be able to update schools on the key messages from central government and from the LA, as well providing headteachers with the chance to share good practice and to network with colleagues.
Primary briefings: Tuesday 13th June at Warwick Racecourse and Wednesday 14th June at TechnoCentre, Coventry
Secondary briefing: Thursday 29th June, Warwick Racecourse
All morning sessions, exact timings to be confirmed.