Free Autism Spectrum Awareness through the Autism Education Trust

Free training for all staff within school-age education settings, mainstream and specialist services

The Autism Education Trust develops capacity to meet the needs of pupils on the Autism Spectrum, by improving the knowledge, skills and confidence of educational practitioners in understanding and responding to the needs of children and young people with Autism.

  • It offers a nationally acclaimed, face-to-face, personalised, multi-tier training programme; supported and quality assured by the Department for Education
  • Named in new Code of Practice as being a leading training provider of schools; whilst effectively meeting statutory regulations and requirements set out in new SEND legislation
  • Addresses Ofsted’s concerns regarding the education of vulnerable learners with Autism; providing evidence for the new framework for school and setting inspections
  • Provides evidence based measures of impact for when schools self- evaluate their own performance criteria
  • Build capacity to meet the needs of pupils on the Autism spectrum through quality first teaching and learning; narrowing and closing the gap in holistic attainment for learners with Autism

Tier 1 Training – Making Sense of Autism; raising awareness
Basic Autism awareness training for all staff within school-age education settings, mainstream and specialist services. This includes teachers, teaching assistants, transport staff, governors, senior management, administrators, librarians and other relevant service staff.

It will support participants to:

  • Identify the four key areas of difference that need to be taken into account when working with children and young people with Autism
  • Know the importance of understanding the individual and their profile of strengths, as well as areas for development
  • Identify the key areas to help pupils on the Autism spectrum build positive relationships with staff, peers, families and people in their wider community
  • Develop an awareness of the sensory and communication differences that pupils on the Autism spectrum may experience.

Service: Vulnerable Learners Specialist Teaching Service
Time: 1 ½ hours for the whole session. This is usually delivered as a twilight session, but can also form part of a training day.
Cost: delivered free to all schools and settings as part of Warwickshire’s Local Offer for all children and young people with SEND

SEND Provision Matrix Reference:
This training course will provide the capacity to deliver support and interventions across all areas of the Universal Provision, and a majority of aspects of the Targeted Provision of Warwickshire’s SEND Provision matrix

To view the training flyer please click here


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