
Referrals to MASH

Note from Adrian Over for Headteachers and all Designated Safeguard Leads (DSL)
Following a suggestion at a recent DSL refresher event, please find attached poster advertising the different ways and levels at which you might contact the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and expectations in terms of ringing in referrals, submitting Multi-agency Referral Forms (MARFs) and seeking advice.
In addition, please note:
1)  If you are only seeking advice about available resources for families, e.g. in relation to debt, housing, play schemes, please contact the Family Information Service, NOT the MASH.
2)  Ordinarily, referrers are expected to inform parents that they are making a referral to the MASH. However, whenever there is any doubt about this possibly increasing the risk of significant harm to the child or causing undue delay, please contact the MASH for advice in the first instance.
3)  If you require advice/support about early help, please contact your local Early Help Officer (formerly CAF Officer) in the first instance wherever possible.

Gathering Intelligence about Child Sexual Exploitation - CSE Information Sharing Form

Warwickshire Police have devised a process by which professionals, parents, carers and young people can provide information about perpetrators and concerns of Child Sexual Exploitation occurring.

This information is gathered and used to enable police and partners to build a picture of such exploitation taking place and take action to address it. It is particularly useful in situations where there may be no evidence available, the information is unknown or the victim is either unwilling or unable to provide a police statement. This occurs in the vast majority of cases of sexual exploitation. Therefore, the opportunity to provide intelligence could potentially intercept and disrupt criminal activity where young people are being exploited.

You can access the Information Sharing Form and associated guidance on the Referral and Assessment pages of the Children's Social Care Guidance and Procedure Intranet pages.

You can also access the updated version by using this link:

CSE Information Sharing Form

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