Welcome to Governor Services

 “The role that governance plays in ensuring that every child receives the best possible education has never been more important.”

“We should not underestimate just how vital the role of governors and trustees has become in helping to raise standards.”

“In short, the role is so important that amateurish governance will no longer do. Good will and good intentions will only go so far. Governing boards made up of people who are not properly trained and who do not understand the importance of their role are not fit for purpose in the modern and complex educational landscape.”

Sir Michael Wilshaw HMCI - 21st Century Governance needed for 21st Century Schools

School governance is changing and expectations on governance have never been higher. Warwickshire Governor Services is committed to supporting and providing a comprehensive high quality service that will ensure governors and clerks have the knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise effective governance.

Benefits of subscribing to Governor Services:

Governing boards subscribing to Governor Services benefit from:

  • Professional advice, guidance and information via a telephone helpline or via email

We offer a fast, reliable and friendly support service to chairs of governors, governors, head teachers and clerks and we regularly speak to them on a variety of important issues ranging from recruiting governors to questions concerning legislation updates. Many governors have told us that they really value being able to pick up the phone and talk through a question and contacting us regarding query couldn’t be easier!

  • Training and development opportunities which support governors in fulfilling their core and statutory governance functions

According to our recent survey and feedback from training course evaluation forms, governors hold training in high regard and find it very helpful in their role. Having access to good quality training enables governors, head teachers and clerks throughout Warwickshire to fulfil their statutory responsibilities and to feel confident in meeting an ever increasing range of challenges.

  • A developing document resource library and website

To help equip Clerks and Governors with the tools to support them in their role, subscribing governing boards will have access to a range of updated resources, materials and new look website. Subscribing to Governor Services gives unlimited access to a wealth of training and development opportunities together with access to a range of support material for all governors, clerks and head teachers throughout the financial year.

These are just a few of the benefits available to Governing Boards which subscribe to Governor Services.

We would like to invite any Governing Boards that don’t subscribe to do so.

If you would like any more information please telephone: 01926 745120 or email: governors@warwickshire.gov.uk


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