Retiring Teachers and Resignation of Head Teachers

‘Letter of thanks’ to Retiring Teachers

The Secretary of State for Education is keen to send a personal letter of thanks to retiring teachers who have made an exceptional contribution to education during their teaching careers.

If you have teachers retiring, please consider completing the nomination form. The form and guidance can be located here

Head Teacher Resignation

If / when you receive your Head teacher’s written resignation the Clerk or Chair of Governors must immediately inform Heather Imbush at Governor Services and, in the case of Church schools, especially voluntary aided schools, the relevant diocese.

Heather’s contact details are: Tel: 01926 742632


Email heatherimbush@warwickshire.gov.uk

Heather will then update our records and notify you of the support available to you / your Governing Board.

Notice periods for head teachers are three months, or four months in the summer term, with employment terminating at the end of that term;


Notice submitted by: To leave:

Notice submitted by: To leave:

30th April

End of summer term

30th September

End of autumn term

31st January

End of spring term


Notice periods for deputy head teachers or teachers are two months, or three months in the summer term, with employment terminating at the end of that term;


Notice submitted by: To leave:

Notice submitted by: To leave:

31st May

31st May End of summer term

31st October

End of autumn term

28th/29th February

End of spring term


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