DBS Reminder

New legislation released by the Government came into force in March 2016 which states that Enhanced DBS checks are now mandatory for Governors in Maintained Schools.

This now means that all governors in whatever kind of school – Maintained, Independent, Academy or Free School must have an Enhanced DBS certificate.

The Department for Education aims to improve the regulatory framework for maintained school governance.  Previously, Enhanced Criminal Record checks weren’t mandatory and the system of disqualification relied on governors self-disclosing their criminal convictions unless the clerk has asked for a check to be made.

Governors appointed prior to 1st April 2016 should have obtained an Enhanced DBS check by September 2016.

Governors appointed after 1st April 2016 must apply for an Enhanced DBS check within 21 days of their appointment.

If any governor has not completed a form, they should talk to their Clerk / School and arrange a time to complete one.  It is then important that DBS checks for governors are logged on the school’s single central record, (SCR).  The SCR would be incomplete if any governor has not applied for one which could potentially mean a school may fail an OFSTED inspection on safeguarding.

Governors have asked whether or not their DBS checks from other organisations are transferable.  Whilst there is no legal requirement to do a new DBS check (unless there has been a gap of 3 months or more since last working with children), governors should bring in any existing DBS check so the school can verify it and log it on the SCR. It is at the school’s discretion as to whether they wish to accept the DBS check or not. 

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