WE2 An empowering curriculum

WE2 An empowering curriculum

Warwickshire Music

Warwickshire music is a great supporter of our CLA. (Children Looked After) The service offers the following to our children and young people:

  •  50% remission on out of school instrument tuition - they are all entitled to free instrumental tuition during school time if schools are making this available to other pupils
  •  Free instrument loan
  •  Free access to all Warwickshire Music activities e.g. choirs, bands, workshops

Warwickshire music have also made a commitment to work in partnership with the virtual school on commissioned work such as the SoundTech project for disengaged boys at KS3.

WE2 (c) Children who are looked after

The team has received some fantastic feedback about the Virtual School annual awards event last weekend. This has been from both families and from the artists who provided lots of fun activities and entertainment throughout the event. Here are a couple of snippets:  

"It was so enjoyable, what a great group of youngsters and carers. The word inspirational sums up the day."

"We wanted to thank you along with your colleagues for a wonderful event.  Both children thoroughly enjoyed themselves again and are very proud of themselves too for achieving their awards and certificates.  We all had a lovely time."

"It’s great to know that the months of hard work that went into organising this amazing event have had a positive impact on all those who attended, but of course most importantly, on the children looked after and their families"

WE2 (d) Learners with SEND

New EHC (Education Health and Care) annual review paperwork

New guidance and templates for EHC plans are being shared at this term's SENCO network. Please see www.warwickshire.gov.uk/sendocs for the new templates. The new guidance and forms are designed to help a more person-centred approach and were piloted in schools last year. The old paperwork will continue to be accepted in the short term, but please use the new templates going forward, returning all review paperwork by email to sendannualreviews@warwickshire.gov.uk. 

Schools subscribing to EPS (Education Psychology Service) and STS (Student Travel Schools) can negotiate for a member of the team to model how to facilitate an EHC plan annual review as part of their purchased subscription time. For non-subscribing schools, this can be bought as a one-off service.

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