Safeguarding, Safety and Welfare

Supporting schools develop smoke - free school gates

No smoking


Public Health Warwickshire is seeking to work with Warwickshire primary schools to extend no smoking policies to cover the area around school gates. Children exposed to smoke are more likely to start smoking themselves, with around 200 000 children under 15 taking up smoking each year.

Why have smoke-free school gates?

  • Create an environment where children see ‘no smoking’ as the norm
  • Support ‘no smoking’ messages pupils are taught in lessons to create a more pleasant smoke free environment
  • Reduce smoking related litter

We will support interested primary schools by:

  • Encouraging pupil participation by coordinating a poster competition
  • Assisting schools in developing information for parents / guardians
  • Help launch the event

If you want your school to join this campaign – or want more information – please contact Paul Coleman at paulcoleman@warwickshire.gov.uk.

News from school health service

Term is now well under way and we would like to thank all primary schools for their support in promoting and assisting us in getting the school entry health needs questionnaire completed with parents/carers.  This is the fourth year we have undertaken the school entry questionnaire and the uptake has been better than ever with over 51% completing the questionnaire. This has given us a much greater understanding of the support required by reception aged children and their families.

As many of you will know, year 6 and 9 health needs assessments are now well under way.  Many thanks to all of the schools who have been providing us with the use of their computer suites in order to enable the online questionnaire to be completed.  

In due course we will be analysing the data from the health needs assessments and we will be arranging a meeting with the head teacher/PSHE lead/year head.  In collaboration with schools we will then jointly develop a plan for how we can work together to address the identified health needs.

Upcoming events:

  • NCMP programme will be booked with all primary schools and will be running from December – March
  • Anti-bullying month is in November, if you would like any support with this campaign then please phone us to discuss how we can assist
  • Medical awareness training is taking place in localities

Contact details:

  • We have one central phone number – 03300245204, please select option 1,2 or 3 depending on where your school is located
  • Our referral form has been emailed to all schools across Warwickshire but it can also be accessed on the Compass website you will find it towards the bottom of the page.
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