WCC - Green Book - Pay Award 2022

We are pleased to advise you the 2022 pay award for colleagues on Green Book terms and conditions can now be implemented. 
 Under the terms of the National Constitution, we are able to proceed with this uplift given that two of the three recognised Trades Unions have now reached agreement with the National Employers.   The agreement will see an increase of £1,925 to all spinal points. All increases are subject to backdating to 1 April 2022. There are some other details in the agreement, relating to annual leave, the details of which we are working through. We will update you about these in due course. 
For schools who use WCC as their payroll provider - The payroll team are now working hard to get these changes processed in time for the November payroll which will also include the reversal of the National Insurance increase from 6 November 2022. There is a lot of work to do on this in a short timeframe so please be mindful of that if you are making requests of the payroll team. Thank you for your co-operation.   
For schools who use an alternative payroll provider - You should approach your payroll supplier directly about progressing this award. A revised pay scale is attached. 
If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Service Team by calling 01926 418614 or by logging your query via the HR Service Desk.
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