Thrive at Work - MSK in the Workplace with Core Clinics

Thrive at work are running a free webinar on 24 February with Core Clinics to help attendees to significantly improve their awareness and understanding of musculoskeletal conditions:


The webinar will be covering:

  • Prevalence: how many and what type of people are affected by these complaints, with what types of personal and business impacts
  • Symptoms and presentations: what kind of symptoms (in addition to pain) might someone experience including 'early warning signs' have, and what symptoms are more concerning e.g. when should you seek professional help. How do these symptoms / conditions impact people in their work and personal lives?
  • Risk factors and causes: what factors predispose people to developing these kinds of problems e.g. demographics, job roles, lifestyle
  • Prevention: what can you do or how can you get help to reduce your likelihood of developing problems in these areas, and to prevent minor problems becoming severe or chronic. Including self care, how your employer can / should help.
  • Treatment options and approaches: if you or your employee(s) already have these problems, what can you do? Including self care advice, what can / should employers do, how to get expert help / treatment options

To book onto this session, please click here

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