Preparation for adulthood strategy - Young People and parent Carers' opportunity to shape this

Warwickshire Local Authority are committed to developing a strategy that is led by the views, aspirations and lived experiences of Warwickshire's young people and their families. 


Alongside the involvement of the National Development Team for Inclusion leading some sessions with young people and stakeholders, we need a broader range of views to inform the shape of the strategy.  Young people have coproduced a survey for young people, which was adapted for parent carers with the support of Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice.


Can we encourage as many young people as possible who are year 9 and upwards, along with their parents and careers to complete the surveys. 


The surveys will be open until Monday 28th February. 

For Parent Carers - www.warwickshire.gov.uk/parentviewspfa 

For Young People - www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ypviewspfa 
Any questions, please contact Dr Sam Craven 
Mobile: 07425 808070
Email: samcraven@warwickshire.gov.uk
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