Securing the Best Start to Life

New vodcast for senior leaders on assessment and good practice under the new EYFS

Foundation Years is pleased to share with you their latest vodcast on assessment and good practice under the new EYFS, from the perspective of a senior leader, and their latest blog on the crucial role that the early years workforce can play in supporting young children's communication and language skills.

You can find both below and on the Foundation Years website!

Free Training: An introduction to Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice is all about relationships. We understand relationships are crucial to ensuring young people and their families build on their own strengths and find their own, sustainable solutions. 

Children live in families; families create communities and communities make a Warwickshire a great county 

Restorative practice encourages those who work with children and families to focus their time on building quality relationships that inspire positive change. This extends to how we support one another in our teams and how we connect with colleagues across our organisations and beyond.

We want restorative to be ‘who we are’ and ‘how we do things here in Warwickshire’ 

The Restorative Practice Development Team is working with individuals and teams to develop their understanding and application of restorative approaches in all aspects of their work.     

Booking Instructions: 

Please select a date and complete the details

Please contact restorativepractice@warwickshire.gov.uk  with any queries.

Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scc-cs564-an-introduction-to-restorative-and-relational-practice-registration-162057362935

Health education programme e-bug launches new site.

e-Bug, operated by the UK Health Security Agency, is a health education programme that aims to promote positive behaviour change among children and young people to support infection prevention and control efforts.

Health protection guidance and new free e-Bug resources are now available for educators, community leaders, parents, and caregivers to educate children and support childcare settings to prevent and respond to outbreaks.

Educators and childcare staff are urged to review guidance on how to prevent and control infections, educate students on practicing hand and respiratory hygiene, as well as infection prevention methods – which are most effective when everyone follows them. 

The National Deaf Children's Society's Early Years Networking Groups

Would you like to learn more about phonological awareness for deaf children and how to support tuning into sound?

The National Deaf Children’s Society are running FREE, online information meetings called Early Years Networking Groups.

The next meeting is on Phonological Awareness for Deaf Children:

  • 4 October 2022 at 4pm – led by Auditory Verbal UK
  • 6 October 2022 at 6:30pm – led by Dr Kate Rowley

Practitioners are invited to attend and join these meeting to discuss practical issues relating to deafness in early years education and care. The meetings are informal, discussion based, and are led by experts in the field.

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