WE4 Employability

Supporting young people transitioning from Year 11 into post 16

To help school leaders and careers leaders evaluate the support they are providing Year 11 students in their transition to post-16 destinations, here are some key questions for you to consider: 

AWhat proportion of your current Year 11 have a known destination?

BWhat numbers are you currently aware are transitioning into:

  1. Further education college or other further education provider
  2. School sixth form
  3. Sixth form college
  4. Other education destinations (special schools and special post-16 institutions, alternative provision, independent schools or colleges)
  5. Apprenticeship
  6. Employment with training
  7. Employment without training
  8. Not known

CFor those students who do have a planned post 16 destination:

  • How is the school keeping in touch with these students to ensure they are prepared for this transition?
  • What is the nature of the contact you have? What does it involve?
  • Are you communicating with parents about this transition?
  • Is your support for those with SEND, EHCPs or who are otherwise vulnerable, different, and if so, in what way?

DFor those students who do not have a planned destination after the end of Y11:

  • What contact have you had with them?
  • How are you supporting them to arrange a post 16 destination?
  • What other support are they receiving?
  • Are you in contact with parents?
  • Is your support for those with SEND issues, EHCPs or who are otherwise vulnerable, different, and if so, in what way?

Further information about the support available from Prospects for 16 and 17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) during Covid-19 is available in this Heads Up article.

Ofsted to review students' and apprentices' online further education experience

Ofsted is working to review further education learners’ experience of online learning during the Covid-19 (coronavirus) lock-down.

The review aims to provide insights into the sector’s experiences of online education and to identify areas of strength and potential for improvement. This will support post-16 providers re-visiting their online education strategies, particularly from September 2020 onward. The review will look at the online education that providers are delivering in light of the necessary social distancing measures.

The review will take place in June 2020 and Her Majesty’s Inspectors will be speaking remotely to managers, teachers and trainers in volunteer further education colleges and skills providers to discuss their delivery of online teaching and learning.

Inspectors will also speak to students and apprentices about their experience of learning online and the support that they have received. This will be done by phone.

The review is not an inspection and there will be no consequences for the providers. Involvement in this review is entirely voluntary. Data gathered during the review will be confidential and staff, students and apprentices will not be identified.

For more information about the review please click here

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