Early Years Lead Practitioner role recruitment - Spring Term 2023
Warwickshire Early Years Hub (WEYH) are now recruiting for Early Years Lead Practitioners (EYLPS).
This role is applicable for anyone in a 'non-teacher role' and deployments are carried out alongside your current role.
EYLPs offer specialist EY guidance to support and improve practice in other settings through deployments via the Warwickshire Early Years Hub.
The spring term application round opens on Monday 13th February and we will be accepting applications until Friday 3 March.
Please contact the WEYH Coordinator Michelle Hutton on Hutton.M2@welearn365.com for further details or to request an application form.
Find here the Role & Guidance document.
National Number Day
Today is National Number Day.
With fundraising for the NSPCC taking part across the country this may be a good opportunity for you to have a fun filled day of number activities and games too.
Further ideas for your Number Day and to support your teaching of Mathematics can also be found here:
Amanda Spielman’s speech at the Big Conversation, 2023
Ofsted's Chief Inspector reflects on the last year in early education and explores the features of our early years research reviews.
Read here speech here.
Martyn's Law
In December 2022 the Government announced details of 'Martyn's Law' in tribute of Martyn Hett, who was killed alongside 21 others in the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack.
Martyn’s Law will keep people safe, enhancing our national security and reducing the risk to the public from terrorism by the protection of public venues including education and early years settings. The legislation will ensure those responsible for certain locations are prepared, ready to respond and know what to do in the event of a terrorist attack.
Proportionality is a fundamental consideration for Martyn’s Law. Therefore, a tiered model will be established consisting of a ‘standard’ tier and an ‘enhanced’ tier. The Department for Education and the Home Office agree that the existing safety and safeguarding policies in place at most educational settings are sufficient to warrant special consideration. In recognition of these existing measures such sites, including early years settings, will be placed into the standard tier regardless of their occupancy.
The Department for Education is working with the Home Office on the development of legislation to clarify what this will mean for the early years sector. The Home Office factsheet on Martyn’s law gives more information. Expert advice, training and guidance is already available on the online protective security hub, ProtectUK.
If you have any questions of queries relating to the Protect Duty, or would like to be involved in a stakeholder engagement event as the legislation develops, please contact: dfe.protectandprepare@education.gov.uk.
Factsheet on Martyn's Law
National Storytelling Week 2023
It’s National story telling week this week and this is a great opportunity to engage your children in story telling activities which will help to develop their speech and literacy skills.
There are many great ideas and resources from the National Literacy Trust, which include ideas to support Early Years children to tell stories and ideas for how to make and use story sacks.
'Exploring Neurodiversity' conference - New date due to Teachers strikes
Due to the recently announced series of Teachers strikes (one of which falls on Wednesday 15th March) the WEYH EY conference on 'Exploring Neurodiversity' has been rescheduled. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. The event was unforeseen and out of our control, but we are pleased to announce that we have successfully managed to move the event to the new date of Thursday 23rd March in the afternoon, from 12.40pm to 16.30pm (arrival from 12.30). The venue is unchanged.
We are also delighted to announce that we have a new national EY specialist trainer joining us on the day. Ben Kingston-Hughes of Inspired Children will be providing the conference opener and will also be closing the event with his usual inspirational flare!
For further information please follow the link below or if you have any questions, please call the WEYH admin team on 07795367337
Toddler Water Safety Week 2023
As part of the first Toddler Water Safety Week (6th - 10th February 2023) Canal and River trust has created some free activities and resources suitable for the under 5s, aimed at helping children stay near water. You can use these at home or in nursery.
See the guidance notes for info on how to use the activities.
Hold hands, take two steps back with Maddie Moate