Have Your Say: take part in consultation on housing related support services in Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) has launched a 12-week public consultation seeking the input of Warwickshire residents on the redesign of Housing Related Support Services. The consultation period will run from 22 May to 11 August 2023. 
Housing related support services help people stay in their own home or work towards living in their own home by preventing problems that can cause homelessness or lead to institutional care.
These services are offered either through accommodation-based support, where support is provided to people living in specific accommodation, or through floating support, where the support worker visits customers in their own homes.
The work of these services focuses on helping individuals aged 16 and above to maintain independence, good health, and overall well-being, ensuring their safety within their homes and local communities, effective budgeting, understanding tenancy agreements, facilitating participation in training or education, and employment.
Like other local authorities, the council is facing significant financial challenges. In February 2023, WCC Council agreed that the budget for housing related support services would reduce by £1m from April 2025.
Considering this, WCC is undertaking a consultation to re-designing these services to become more efficient and effective within a reduced budget, while still focussing on those people in the greatest need and those whose support will prevent them needing care services.
The aim of this consultation is to inform Warwickshire residents about the proposals to redesign services and to ask for their views about these proposals.
WCC is engaging with groups and individuals across the county to get their views, including people who already use the service, families and professionals living or working with service users, public, private, and voluntary organisations.
If you have any queries or need any help or advice about the consultation, please email peoplestrategyandcommissioning@warwickshire.gov.uk or telephone Warwickshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 01926 410410 and they will direct you to the & Promoting Independence Team for support.