Wrap Around and Out of School Club Provision

With the return to school for all pupils now being planned and the release updated guidance from the DfE around which school aged children will be able to attend out of school and wrap around services schools will need to consider service arrangements in readiness for 8th March.

In response to reduced demand during January and February some out of school services have either reduced their offer or closed. To ensure that  provision will be available for the wider demand created with the full return to school we would recommend that contact is made with service providers to agree any reopening work, confirming service delivery and implementing joint measures to protect the wellbeing of all.

It may not be possible for out of school and wrap around providers to commit to meeting the same bubble arrangements as per those implemented by schools.  However, with joint working and shared risk assessments, alongside the government guidance, services can be provided for those children that require them. Specific criteria are in place to inform which children can attend services as listed below with further information available for the access Easter School break.

Key criteria to enable parents / carers to access a place from 8th March are: -

  • vulnerable children and young people
  • other children, where the provision is:
    • reasonably necessary to enable their parents and carers to work, search for work, undertake education or training, or attend a medical appointment or address a medical need, or attend a support group
    • being used by electively home educating parents as part of their arrangements for their child to receive a suitable full-time education
    • for the purposes of obtaining a regulated qualification, meeting the entry requirements for an education institution, or to undertake exams and assessments

It is to be predicted that there will be greater demand for children that require additional access to wrap around and out of school services under the vulnerable category with the ongoing increased impact of Covid linked to family pressures.

Where a school becomes aware that their usual out of school service provider is no longer available to deliver services from 8th March, schools may wish to consider delivery of the services themselves either on a temporary or permanent basis, or to link with a new provider or signpost families to Warwickshire Family Information Service to access alternative services within the locality e.g. childminder services.

To access help, support and advice with out of school provision contact the Early Years (and Childcare) Sufficiency and Business Support Team who will be available to assist - earlyyears@warwickshire.gov.uk

Links to key documents: -




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