Support sharing key COVID-19 messages

Support sharing key COVID-19 messages


The latest Government announcement has confirmed that children are due to return to school on 8 March. With this in mind, we want to share some key information and assets with schools to help promote and raise awareness of key behaviours to help keep us all safe.

As important links to so many in our communities we kindly request that you share these messages with your staff and families.

Resources for schools

A dedicated Resource for Schools section on the Stay Safe CSW website includes a list of resources for schools to support staff, pupils and parents, offering a range of information and links to support services.

The materials cover topics including:


Vaccinations are being offered by the NHS through the planned cohorts. The vaccine can help to protect people from COVID-19, however, it cannot offer full protection therefore following social distancing guidance will still be important. Continuing to keep hands clean, wear a face covering and maintain a 2-metre distance from others is crucial to keeping us all safe.


Testing when people develop symptoms is vital to help track positive cases and their close contacts. Everyone, including those who have had a vaccine, need to self-isolate and get a test if they develop ANY COVID-19 symptoms; a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss or change in sense of taste or smell.

Hands, face, space guidance

We all know the importance of Hands, Face, Space and how these steps can help to reduce transmission.

Mental health support

Supporting our young people with their mental health and wellbeing is incredibly important. COVID-19 has impacted mental health and wellbeing and it’s important that we encourage conversations about how we’re feeling. A range of services are available throughout the county to support young people with their mental health and wellbeing.

If you would like any further information or to be signed up to our weekly community engagement resource pack, please email headsup@warwickshire.gov.uk

Thank you for your continued support.

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