School Attendance Guidance from 8th March 2021

School Attendance

Schools coronavirus (COVID-19) operational guidance was issued on 22nd February 2021 and included updated information relating to school attendance.

Recording Attendance

School attendance will be mandatory for all registered pupils from 8th March 2021 and schools should record attendance in accordance with the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 (as amended) for all pupils.

During the week commencing 8th March, pupils will be offered asymptomatic testing on site in secondary schools. Pupils who consent to testing should return to face-to-face education following their first negative test result. Pupils not undergoing testing should attend school in line with any phased return arrangements. Vulnerable children and children of critical workers in secondary schools should continue to attend school throughout, unless they receive a positive test result. Testing is voluntary, but strongly encouraged.

Reason for Absence Code

Secondary school pupils awaiting asymptomatic testing and not expected to attend.  This is during the week commencing 08th March 2021.


Pupils self-isolating or quarantining because of coronavirus (COVID-19) in accordance with relevant legislation or guidance published by PHE or the DHSC. 


Pupils undergoing test/awaiting results for COVID -19.


Pupils unable to attend school following a visit to a country outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.  This code should only be used for the days following the return to this country and not the period that they were out of the country. 


Non-compulsory school aged pupils not expected to attend school, e.g. as part of an integration plan.


Enforced closure for school or group of pupils due to an unavoidable cause (i.e. snow day). 


The advice for pupils who have been confirmed as clinically extremely vulnerable is to shield and stay at home as much as possible while shielding advice applies nationally. You will be able to request from parents a copy of the shielding letter sent to CEV children, to confirm that they are advised not to attend school or other educational settings whilst shielding guidance is in place.


The Head Teacher agrees with the reason for absence and considers this an exceptional circumstance.  This decision should take into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant background and context.


When a positive COVID test result is received.

All other absences reported as illness.  (Please see section below relating to medical evidence I
The Head Teacher is not satisfied for the reason provided for absence.  At this time some families are experiencing challenging situations and so any discussion should be handled in a sympathetic, supportive and pragmatic way.  Parents/carers should be informed if an absence in unauthorised O

The DfE are aware of schools concerns regarding the impact of COVID-19 on school attendance figures but are clear that schools should continue to code in line with their guidance.  The DfE will review and provide further advice to schools in due course on what should be included in pupils’ attendance records in end of year reports.

Medical Evidence

As normal, schools should not encourage parents to request unnecessary medical evidence such as doctors’ notes when their child is absent from school due to illness. It is especially important in the context of the pandemic and the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme. If evidence is required, it can take the form of prescriptions, appointment cards, text or email confirmation of appointments, etc. As usual, input from GPs should only be sought where there are complex health needs or persistent absence issues.

Remote Learning

Schools are required to provide remote education to pupils who are unable to attend because they are complying with government guidance or legislation around coronavirus (COVID-19). Schools should keep a record of this activity but do not need to record it in the attendance register.

Vulnerable Pupils

When a vulnerable pupil is required to self-isolate, schools should notify their social worker (if they have one) and agree the best way to maintain contact and offer support. Schools should have procedures in place to:

  • check if a vulnerable pupil is able to access remote education support
  • support them to access it (as far as possible)
  • regularly check if they are accessing remote education

Encouraging regular school attendance

Some pupils, parents and households may be reluctant or anxious about attending school. Schools are advised to:

  • discuss any concerns with parents and provide reassurance on the measures you are putting in place to reduce any risks
  • continue to communicate clearly and consistently the expectations around school attendance to families and any other professionals who work with the family where appropriate.
  • remind parents that pupils of compulsory school age must be in school unless a statutory reason applies.
  • identify pupils who are reluctant or anxious about attending or who are at risk of disengagement and develop plans for re-engaging them. This may include disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people, pupils who were persistently absent prior to the pandemic and pupils who have not engaged with school regularly during the pandemic

To support families who will need additional help to secure pupils’ regular attendance, schools can use the catch-up funding, existing pastoral, support services, attendance staff and pupil premium funding.

If families require additional support:

  • Family Information Service - fis@warwickshire.gov.uk - 01926 742274
  • Early Help and Targeted Support - Family Support Service - 01926 412412

Additional Attendance Support

Should you require any additional support regarding school attendance, please contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service:

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