Warwickshire wins bid for new funding to support family services

Funding has been secured to expand the help and support that the council can offer to local children and families. We are one of 15 new areas selected to join three early adopters and be part of the Government’s Strengthening Families, Protecting Children programme.

This programme supports local authorities to adapt and adopt one of three children’s social care innovation projects in their own area. We will be working closely with Leeds City Council on the Family Valued programme. The project focuses on changing service-wide ways of working with children and families so that support is done with them and not to them. It aims to build strong relationships with children and their families and connect them with the communities in which they live.

The three demonstrator sites have shown that working with a family’s strengths and helping them to find their own solutions creates stronger, more resilient family units. This new investment will support the council’s objectives to enhance services and extend the offer of early help to make sure that families get the right support, ensuring children’s needs are met.

The funds will be used specifically to expand the Family Group Conference (FGC) Service which supports families to identify their strengths and build on these to find solutions and resolve their own issues. The Special Guardianship Support Team who provide help for grandparents, aunts and uncles to help children to stay within their wider family will be extended and further training and support will be rolled out to partner agencies.

For more information about this visit: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/children-families


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