Opportunity to shape Warwickshire Education App

In 2019 a new App will be developed to promote the success of Warwickshire schools in relation to WE1, 2, 3 and 4, the four key priorities set out in the education strategy. The Business Improvement team for Education are currently working on this and will be meeting with WCC ICT Services in November to discuss the feasibility of the different options for the App.

To ensure that all aspects of the education strategy continue to be co-produced we want to invite Headteachers and/or Senior Leaders to a focus group next month. This is a good opportunity to be involved in the development of a product, designed to celebrate the work you're doing and your input is invaluable for ensuring maximum impact. 

The focus group will look at the accreditations within the App for which we will be celebrating and ensure that the App delivers the outcomes we all desire.

At this stage we do not have a date for the focus group as this will be dictated by availability of those who have an interest in being involved but will likely be at the start of December for a couple of hours.

Please can you indicate if this is something you may be interested in or would like more information about by 7 November 2018. We can then contact you with updates. 

Many of you have already contributed to the attached list of accreditations that you would like to see your schools recognised for. Even if you are unable to attend a focus group please do feel free to add to this list by sending an email.

Contact for both registering interest for the App focus group and for accreditation suggestions: Hannah Heath el-businessimprovement@warwickshire.gov.uk

Link to accreditations

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