Restorative and Relational Practice Training Sessions for Schools

Restorative practice encourages those who work with children and families to focus their time on building quality relationships that inspire positive change. Focusing on relationships; encouraging fair process and offering high support and high challenge, we want to share this relational approach to working with families, colleagues and partners. 

Primary School Sessions 

Secondary School Sessions 


Mon 20th Sep @ 3.30pm 

Mon 27th Sep @3.30pm 

Thurs 7th Oct @ 3.30pm 

Tues 12th Oct @ 3.30pm 

Wed 20th Oct @3.30pm 

Wed 3rd Nov @ 3.30pm 

Wed 10th Nov @3.30pm 

Tues 16th Nov @ 3.30pm 

Tues 23rd Nov @ 3.30pm 

Thurs 2nd Dec @ 3.30pm 

Mon 6th Dec @ 3.30pm 

Tues 14th Dec @ 3.30pm 

Wed 12th Jan @ 3.30pm 

Click here to book  

Click here to book  


To learn more or for a discussion about how Restorative Practice could benefit your whole team, school or organisation please contact us at:  restorativepractice@warwickshire.gov. 


Previous feedback includes: 


“I really want to put into practice the language of Restorative Practice rather than behaviour management. I want to model it and share it with other staff”  


“The window of tolerance supported my understanding of how past experiences may influence individual responses. The use of affective statements will provide a framework for providing a more restorative approach to challenging”  


“The impact of isolation on pupils” 


“I have taken away the 3 steps of restorative conversation and how to deal with some behaviours presented in class. I have found the whole session informative and very interesting and come away with some thoughts about how I can integrate what I have learnt into my role as a teaching assistant.” 


“The reduction of incidents, the understanding of the children on their feelings and how to talk about them” 


“Check in and check outs are a great way to open up the relationship building opportunities” 


“Interesting ways of changing the ethos of the school” 

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