Celebrating Warwickshire’s Family of Schools

FAO Headteachers, All Year Group Teachers for EY, KS1 & KS2

Please find below a link to the Education Assessment & Moderation Team Training Offer for Autumn Term 2021/22:

Important Information 

The courses for the Autumn Term will be delivered via a mix of live online sessions and some face to face training at a venue.    

To access our online training, you will need a computer, tablet, etc., equipped with a camera, speakers, and a microphone.   


Training Costs 

£65 per delegate (half day) ONLINE session* 

£100 per delegate (full day) ONLINE session*

£55 per delegate (twilight) 

£80 per delegate (half day) FACE TO FACE/VENUE session 

£160 per delegate (full day) FACE TO FACE/VENUE session 

 (*unless otherwise stated) 


 Cancellation Policy 

In line with the County Council Usage and Wastage of Resources Policy: 

All schools and settings will be charged the full course fee for non-attendance or less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. 

 All cancellations must be made by email to edassessmentteam@warwickshire.gov.uk 

Warwickshire Apprenticeship Vacancy Bulletin

Please check here for this months Warwickshire Apprenticeship Vacancy Bulletin. 

Nuneaton youth asked to have their say on education

Young people in Nuneaton are being asked to help shape their education by contributing to the Nuneaton Education Strategy (NES), which aims to improve their prospects and aspirations as part of the Transforming Nuneaton programme. 

Warwickshire County Council is looking to recruit fifteen young people from diverse backgrounds across Nuneaton in years six - twelve, including those with special education needs and disability, to form a committee that will complement and advise the NES to ensure that changes made are reflective of the needs and wants of children and young people. Meetings will take place every half term, either face to face or through online meetings.

This is an opportunity for young people to meet others from their area in a fun and informal setting, as well as build confidence and gain valuable skills that will help them in their education and future employment.  

Young people can apply or be nominated by completing a form at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/nesyp. Applications must be submitted by October 15 2021.

Warwickshire County Councillor Jeff Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families and Education, said: “We know how valuable it is to listen to the views and opinions of our young people, to make them feel involved and to help shape our county so it is as child friendly as possible. Supporting the Nuneaton Education Strategy is one of many opportunities to do this and the Nuneaton representatives will have a chance to influence and guide decision makers on how the council uses its resources. It is also a great way for the young people to gain valuable life skills, improving aspirations and opportunities for them in the future.

‘If you know a young person who would benefit from this opportunity, please fill out the nomination form today.”

Warwickshire County Council is committed to hearing what the county’s young people have to say, what matters to them and what they need. Their contributions to the strategy will be essential to help make Warwickshire the best it can be and there will be many more opportunities for young people to get involved with the council and its work.

This approach supports the county’s Child Friendly Warwickshire programme which celebrates all the positive things happening for children and young people to make the county a great place to grow up and learn.  The programme goals are for children to be heard, safe, healthy, skilled and happy and everyone can all play a part to achieve this by working together to make this a place where every child has a bright future. To share ideas or thoughts, please send these to childfriendly@warwickshire.gov.uk.

Statutory School Census – 2021/22 Academic Year

The statutory school census dates of the 2021/22 academic year are as follows: 

                                    Census Day                Deadline for return to LA 

Autumn                        Thu 7th Oct                             Fri 8th Oct 

Spring                          Thu 20th Jan                           Fri 21st Jan 

Summer                      Thu 19th May                          Fri 20th May 

Data collected via these returns are used by the DFE for funding purposes, to support strategic objectives and to inform policy decisions.  

The autumn school census will be used to fund the schools block of the dedicated schools grant and the pupil premium. 

It is therefore vitally important that you are satisfied with the accuracy of your schools’ return before uploading it to the LA, and that it is returned by the prescribed deadline.  

Prior to each census ICT Development Service will up-load census documentation to the Warwickshire Learning Platform (WeLearn365) which can be found at: http://bit.ly/midaspages and on the download site http://wsd.we-learn.com/downloads. These will assist you in preparing and running your census returns. 

If you have any technical queries regarding the SIMS system and generating the return please contact the ICT Development Service Desk on (01926) 414100. 

If you have any other questions about this data collection, please contact Michelle Ali, Business Intelligence on 01926 742169 or by e-mail businessintelligence@warwickshire.gov.uk 

Thank you for your continued support with these collections. 

Business Intelligence
Commissioning Support Unit, Resources Directorate 

Encouraging Free School Meals Take-Up

If you haven’t already done so this term, please could you include a note in your parent communications to encourage people to sign up for free school meals? Any parent that thinks their child might be eligible for benefits-related free school meals, should apply now. No matter the age of the child they should still apply for the benefits-related school meals, because this means they’ll also be eligible to get funding for the holiday periods from the Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme. And of course, your school will benefit from the extra funding too.


More information, and the link to the online application is at: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/education-learning/apply-free-school-meals

New admission code

As the new term is now well underway we just want to remind all schools the new School Admission Code is now in effect and contains a number of changes and clarifications.


The main purpose of these changes is to improve support for the in-year admission of vulnerable children.


The changes include introducing more detail on the process for managing in-year admissions; changes to improve the effectiveness of Fair Access Protocols; giving children adopted from state care outside of England equal admissions priority as children who were previously looked after in England; and clarification of which address to use for the admission of service or crown servant children. 

Can all head teachers please ensure all school staff involved in processing of admissions to your school are aware of the new code and liaise with the Warwickshire Admissions Team accordingly.

PRIMARY EAL Network Meeting

EMTAS provides a range of support for schools including termly EAL network meetings.  These network meetings are offered at no additional charge and available to ALL Warwickshire schools and settings, they provide excellent opportunities to receive:


  • advice and support from our specialist EAL in-service trainers and advisers
  • updates on local and national developments in EAL
  • network with other EAL practitioners
  • develop subject knowledge
  • access and signposting to EAL resources



If you would like to book a place, press control and click here  to complete the google form.





Teams meeting


Tuesday 19th October 2021

13:30 – 3:00pm

Autumn term, 2021




  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. The distinctiveness of EAL Pedagogy – how can we best support teachers to put this into practice?
  3. Updates
  4. AOB



*please share any effective vocabulary building resources / methodologies during the meeting.



SECONDARY EAL Network Meeting

EMTAS provides a range of support for schools including termly EAL network meetings.  These sessions are completely free to Local Authority maintained schools* and provide excellent opportunities to receive:

  • advice and support from our specialist EAL in-service trainers and advisers
  • updates on local and national developments in EAL
  • network with other EAL practitioners
  • develop subject knowledge
  • access and signposting to EAL resources


If you would like to book a place, press control and click here  to complete the google form.




Teams meeting

Tuesday 2nd November, 2021

13:30 – 3:00pm

Autumn Term, 2021



  1. Welcome & introductions
  2. The distinctiveness of EAL Pedagogy – how can we best support teachers to put this into practice?
  3. Updates
  4. AOB

Training opportunities for School staff - Family Support Workers/Designated Safeguarding Leads.

This integrated training offer covers Early Help, online courses and supporting modules, briefings in specific areas and Safeguarding training for Designated Safeguarding Leads and other staff in Education Settings.
Sessions will provide knowledge, skills and confidence and will aid and support DSLs and Pastoral workers in all education settings across Warwickshire.  
Please click on the link here to find out more on the Safeguarding Board Website.

Subject / Training 

Early Help (Pathway to Change) Training 

Initial Designated Safeguarding Lead Training 

For Nursery, School or FE college and Education Services 

Refresher Designated Safeguarding Lead Training 

For Nursery, School or FE college and Education Services 

Reflective Supervision Training for DSLs in school and college settings 

Designed to widen your repertoire of options for effective supervisory conversations in respect of safeguarding issues.

The Importance of the Safeguarding Boards and Partnerships briefings 

Prevent Training for DSLs

Delivered by the Warwickshire Prevent Co-ordinator, providing a comprehensive guide to current threat and risks around radicalisation.

Consortia Training—Trauma sensitive  

Reducing Parental Conflict 

To help practitioners to navigate the tricky situations that parents in conflict can present

Effectively supporting the Children of Today in Schools 

Main Objectives

1. To holistically explore children's challenging behaviour and the possible impetus of such 

2. To understand the neurological basis for challenging behaviour 

3. To begin to focus on what’s behind the behaviour, rather than consequence 

4. To introduce strategies to enable educators to support all children to reach their full potential 

Solihull Approach 2 Day Foundation Training 

The 2-day Solihull Approach Foundation Training aims to increase knowledge and understanding of emotional health and well-being for practitioners working across all areas of children and family services.  

Restorative Practice 

Online Courses and guides 

a) Adverse Childhood Experiences 

b) Understanding Trauma 

c) Understanding Attachment 

d) E-learning Reducing Parental Confict 

e) For parent and carers 

f)  Information guides 


Initial Designated Safeguarding Lead Training 

For Early Years and Childcare settings, Childminders, Out of School Clubs 


Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher Training  

For Early Years and Childcare settings, Childminders, Out of School Clubs  

Protective Behaviours 

Safer Recruitment Training NEW

· Early Years Aged 0-5 years  providers  

· Schools, Colleges and Education Providers  

Please visit the link here rather than downloading the flyer as this is getting updated all the time with new training for example we hope to have some Domestic Abuse awareness training for DSLs and also more 1 minute quick guides for you to download as a DSL.

School caterers focus on British Food Fortnight!

We're coming to the end of British Food Fortnight and Warwickshire-based school caterers, Educaterers, who provide meals for many of our family of schools, have been turning the spotlight on their local and regional food suppliers. 

The annual event is a celebration of the diverse and delicious food that Britain producers, and Educaterers have been tweeting about the trusted British suppliers they use to provide the freshest, most nutritious, and highest quality produce possible for their school meals, such as The UK Foodhall, Yeo Valley and Lower Hurst Farm in Derbyshire (pictured). 

Follow @educaterers on Twitter to find out more or visit www.educaterers.co.uk.  

Warwickshire youth asked to help make Warwickshire the best it can be

Warwickshire County Council wants to understand what is important to the future generation as it continues with its ambition to make Warwickshire the best it can be. 

The Council has launched a survey specifically for young people to capture their feedback which will feed into the development of a new Council Plan to deliver services as effectively as possible over the next five years. The survey can be found at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/councilplanyp.

Warwickshire has a great track record of stepping up to meet big challenges. The past 18 months have been no different. Thousands of people and organisations have worked hard to tackle COVID-19, support those most at risk, and look out for each other.

As the future of our county, the council is committed to hearing what young people have to say, what matters to them and what they need. Their contributions will be essential to shape the Council Plan and help make Warwickshire the best it can be.

By completing the survey, young people will have the opportunity to have their say on the council’s response to climate change, supporting Warwickshire’s economy, the council’s wellbeing priorities and keeping our communities healthy, safe and connected.

Please share this survey with young people so we can hear from the views of the future.

This approach supports the county’s Child Friendly Warwickshire programme which celebrates all the positive things happening for children and young people. The programme goals are for children to be heard, safe, healthy, skilled and happy and everyone can all play a part to achieve this by working together to make this a place where every child has a bright future.

Alongside engaging with young people Warwickshire County Council is asking everyone who lives, works and studies in Warwickshire for their views which will feed into the development of the Council Plan. More information and a link to the online survey can be found at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ask

Don’t miss your opportunity for DfE grant funded ‘Senior Mental Health Lead Training’

The Warwickshire Educational Psychology Service (EPS) are delighted to be supporting the Department for Education (DfE) Senior Mental Health Lead training programme. The training developed by the EPS focuses in detail on how schools and colleges ethos, teaching and learning can promote wellbeing and mental health. The Warwickshire EPS course is currently one of 68 national courses to be quality assured by Leeds Beckett University and listed on the DfE register of approved courses. Book your place today!

The DfE is offering £1200 funding to every state funded school to help further train and embed a  whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Drawing upon the 8 principles within the Public Health England (PHE) and DfE guidance 2021, Senior Leads are encouraged to sign up to the grant to access training which supports their settings needs. Check your eligibility Conditions of Grant

Dawn Preece and Gemma Gough, Warwickshire’s Specialist Senior EPs for SEMH, will launch the course to the first cohort of settings in the Spring Term 2022. Having supported a diverse range of Warwickshire settings, Gemma and Dawn are thrilled to be running a training course with a national reach. Senior Leads will network and collaboratively share experiences of best practice within two key principle areas.

Gemma and Dawn shared “We are aware from supporting our schools that they are experienced in many of the PHE 8 principles, especially around supporting pupils, families and colleagues. So, we decided to produce a training course which addressed two of the principles that can be more challenging to prioritise and change in settings. By providing Senior Leads the opportunity for in-depth look at their ethos and mental health/wellbeing curriculum, we hope to support longer lasting change, a key expectation of the DfE . Leads on our course will create an Action Plan and receive trainer feedback to help further embed their whole school/college’s approach to mental health”.

The Warwickshire EPS course is competitively priced at £250. Senior Leads will have grant funds remaining to spend on additional training/resources to support the development of their Senior Mental Health Lead role.

For further information and course details please click here.

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