Securing the Best Start to Life

Early Years SENDCo Information:

No child should miss out on the next stage of their education because they are not yet toilet trained; ‘Admission policies and practices that require a child to be toilet trained are discriminatory and potentially unlawful; under the Equality Act issues should be dealt with on an individual basis and Settings and Schools must make “reasonable adjustments” accordingly’ (Guidance on Special Toileting Needs in Schools and Early Years Settings).

The guidance, written by Warwickshire County Council applies to ‘children who have not yet achieved full independence in using the toilet before attending preschool or school settings and to school age pupils who, for a variety of medical, emotional or social reasons, require toilet training or special arrangements with toileting in school’.

It highlights what reasonable steps should be taken to support children through a plan, implement, review approach with an emphasis upon a ‘Partnership with Parents’. It can be accessed through this link: https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-1090-184

ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity also produce a range of resources to support children and their families: https://www.eric.org.uk/guides-to-childrens-bowel-and-bladder-problems?fbclid=IwAR2az2WyCSqt1hdvmVPZ-g2gmxRZaE-L2H-h4xr_hlJmAX39zeT4yufkaL4

Government guidance on staying safe in the sun: Protecting children outdoors.

During periods of high temperature, the following steps should be taken:

  • children should not take part in vigorous physical activity on very hot days, such as when temperatures are in excess of 30°C
  • encourage children playing outdoors to stay in the shade as much as possible
  • children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing to help keep cool and sunhats with wide brims to avoid sunburn
  • use sunscreen (at least factor 15 with UVA protection) to protect skin if children are playing or taking lessons outdoors for more than 20 minutes
  • provide children with plenty of water (such as water from a cold tap) and encourage them to drink more than usual when conditions are hot

Transition support package – Nursery to Reception 2020

As we move through the second half of the summer term, it is essential that enhanced transition planning and arrangements are prioritised to ensure the best outcomes, especially for those children with additional needs and their parents/carers.

There are lots of resources, ideas and support available to settings and families on the WCC page.

Summertime Fun & Brain Building Activities

Executive function and self-regulation (EF/SR) skills provide critical supports for learning and development, and while we aren’t born with these skills, we are born with the potential to develop them through interactions and practice. Harvard University have created an activity guide that offers a variety of age-appropriate activities and games to support and strengthen various components of EF/SR in children.Each chapter contains activities suitable for a different age group, ranging from 6-18 months to adolescents. The full guide is available in Arabic. Two sections—5 to 7 year-olds and 7 to 12 year olds—are available in French.

Deafblind Awareness Week 2022

Deafblindness is far more common than many people realise… around 400,000 people are affected by sight and hearing loss in the UK. That’s enough to fill Wembley Stadium nearly five times! 
It affects everyone differently, some might need to adjust the settings on their TV or turn up the volume on the phone, and others might need assistance dogs, canes and more formal care. But for anyone Imagine trying to book a doctor’s appointment, meet a friend for coffee, or even make dinner if you can’t see or hear very well.

Deafblind Awareness Week is always at the end of June to commemorate Helen Kellar’s birthday, 27th June. Helen Keller’s work made a huge difference to the field of sight and hearing loss. Without her efforts, the world today may be very different for deafblind people.

Find out more: https://deafblind.org.uk/get-involved/our-campaigns/deafblind-awareness-week-2022/

Children’s Art Weeks

Children’s Art Week is a fantastic opportunity to encourage families, children and young people and schools to take part in fun, creative activities that they might not have tried before.In 2022, to support the advocacy work of the visual arts engagement and participation sector, Engage will celebrate the amazing health and wellbeing work delivered through the sector.Check Engage’s website, E -bulletin and social media for details.https://engage.org/happenings/childrens-art-week/

We Are Educators campaign

The Early Years Alliance has launched the #WeAreEducators campaign: a positive, empowering campaign that aims to help those working in the early years settings highlight to parents, local communities and policymakers the unique importance of these settings, and the role that this fantastic workforce plays in shaping children’s lives.To sign up to the #WeAreEducators campaign, and receive a free toolkit, click here: https://www.eyalliance.org.uk/we-are-educators-campaign 

The first five years count campaign (#firstfiveyearscount)

NDNA’s #firstfiveyearscount campaign has launched to celebrate the early years sector and all they do to make the first five years of a child’s life count.NDNA are striving to:

  • increase understanding of the importance of early childhood education
  • better the perception of the early years workforce as educators of young children 0-5
  • address the recruitment and retention crisis
  • boost the positive feedback the workforce receives about their work
  • support the uptake of early years places within settings.

As part of the campaign, the NDNA has produced toolkits for nurseries, posters, banners and other resources to promote the message, including a five-point pinwheel which signifies the first five years of a child’s life.To sign up as a campaign supporter, use the campaign supporter logo on your website and find our more here: https://ndna.org.uk/firstfiveyearscount/

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