School Readiness Health Questionnaire

Connect for Health  is promoting their service and School Readiness Health Questionnaire with parents/carers of children who are starting school for the first time. 

Starting school for the first time is a significant milestone for every child, and often a scary and exciting time for them and their parents/carers. Connect for Health wants to make sure all children and families have the support they need with their health, wellbeing and development to prepare for this. This questionnaire helps to identify when families may need support and advice in order to help children meet their full potential as they enter education. A school nurse will review the questionnaire and may be in contact with parents/carers.

The questionnaire should be completed online by all parents/carers with a child due to attend a Warwickshire school for the first time in September. It will be open for completion from June through to August.

Further information about the questionnaire and how to complete it can be found here: https://www.compass-uk.org/sr-hq

The following leaflet about the questionnaire is available for families: A5 leaflet – https://cutt.ly/sr-hq-a5leaflet

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