Securing the Best Start to Life

Have you completed the NCB stakeholder survey yet?

The National Children’s Bureau wants your views, so together we can build a better childhood for every baby, child and young person in the UK.

They want to understand the key issues facing the sector and the children and families you work with, to help them create a vision for their work over the coming years. Whether you have worked with them before or not, they would like to invite you to give a few minutes of your time to complete their survey. Your expertise on the issues facing the sector are vital to them.

Survey closes 30 September. Complete the survey here. 

Children in grief: 10 things to expect (and how you can help)

As our second Elizabethan era draws to a close and we exit a period of mourning, the death of Queen Elizabeth II will touch everyone.

Children and young people of all ages will see and hear the news. Like the rest of us, they’ve seen the entirety of their lives under her reign. Thrive have designed this simple guide to help you know what reactions to expect. And how to respond to each one. 

Back to school: Reading for pleasure transition activities

To help you welcome your children back and settle them into the setting, National Trust have put together a range of transition activities to kick-start your year with reading at its heart!

Each resource includes:

  • Quick-fire ice-breakers to support children to get to know each other and you, whilst refreshing core speaking and listening skills
  • Fun, easy to deliver, reading for pleasure activities to help create a buzz about books!
  • suggested read for the first week back, with discussion questions to encourage book talk and book response activities.
  • The recommended read focuses on the theme of transition and new starts.

Each resource is available free to download on this page.

Starting Nursery and Reception: Wellbeing resources

Here are some more useful resources from National Trust that are designed to help children settle in to Nursery and the classroom  environment, and will allow them to develop their communication, language and literacy skills.

Books such as Ruby's Worry and Ravi's Roar by Tom Percival, published by Bloomsbury, can help children to recognise the  different emotions that they may be feeling and help them to articulate these emotions. The session plans linked to these stories, use the books to provide strategies for children to cope with the transition of starting school or nursery.

The main message of these sessions is that it is okay to feel uncertain, anxious or worried and that sharing these feelings and working things out together will help. Younger children will benefit from hearing these messages, even if they cannot articulate these emotions themselves.

Find the resources here. 

Last chance to book the West Midlands Ofsted Big Conversation Expo Live & Streamed September 24th 2022

After nearly 3 years of virtual meetings Ofsted are delighted to announce that they are delivering a LIVE West Midlands Ofsted Big Conversation

For more information register here. 

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