Working together to improve attendance

The information below was recently issued by the DfE.

INFORMATION: Supporting attendance resources for schools and local authorities

Supporting pupils to settle back into their school routines will be a big focus for the coming weeks, including maintaining high attendance. To support this, we have published:

·        new guidance on the role of schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities, placing more emphasis on working together to improve attendance

·        effective practice attendance webinars. Another webinar is planned on analysing attendance data to identify pupils who need additional support

·        resources on the Education Hub and Teaching Blogs

The Children’s Commissioner also continues to support attendance through analysisback into school webpages and a new evidence-based guide for attendance officers.

ACTION: Schools to share daily attendance data and take part in research

Over 65% of schools in England are now sharing their daily attendance data with us. Sharing data means you, your local authority and trust (if applicable) get access to daily attendance reports. To follow later in September, you will also be able to compare data from the previous academic year, for a school or an individual.

These reports can help to identify pupils needing support earlier, save you time building attendance reports and offer trend insights for different groups, helping you meet new guidance expectations around working together to improve school attendance.

Our supplier, Wonde, has contacted all schools with instructions on how to share data. Check your junk folder or email Wonde for support You can also find out how the data is used.

Please sign up to take part in our research, as your feedback is valuable to us as we continue to develop the reports.

ACTION: Schools to no longer use code X in the attendance register to record COVID-19 related absence

Last year, we temporarily changed the law to allow schools to record absence related to COVID-19 in the attendance register using code X. This legal amendment has now expired, so please no longer use code X (‘not attending in circumstances related to coronavirus’) to record any COVID-19 related absence.

We have withdrawn the guidance addendum: recording attendance in relation to coronavirus and the associated sub-codes guidance. Where a child is unable to attend school because they are ill with suspected COVID-19, their absence should be recorded as code I ‘illness’. Pupils and schools should continue to follow relevant public health advice relating to COVID-19.

The Warwickshire Attendance Service is contacting schools where the use of the X code has been noticed.  The X code should now only be used for reception and 6th form for integrations.  This contact has been well received and we will continue to do this, however it should be a focus of the school to make these checks.

If you wish to discuss any issues relating to school attendance, please feel free to contact the Warwickshire Attendance Service: was@warwickshire.gov.uk

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