DfE Trust and School Improvement Offer 2022/23

The DfE have launched their ‘Trust and School Improvement (TSI) Offer 2022/23’. DfE know that schools and trusts have rightly been focused on recovery from the global pandemic over the last year, but that they are also determined to return to their priorities of improving outcomes and attainment for children. DfE want to help vulnerable schools and trusts to do that, and through this offer will support them both to focus on their return to usual school improvement priorities but also to continue their educational recovery where that is still necessary. 

In summary, support will be offered to standalone schools (Local Authority maintained, Single-Academy Trusts or one-school MATs) that receive a new ‘requires improvement’ judgement during the 2022/23 academic year. The ratings are based on the Ofsted management information which is published monthly.

Support will also be offered to multi-academy trusts that have:

  • at least 50% of schools that are Ofsted 'requires improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ (includes only schools inspected since joining the trust) or;
  • a school improvement score of less than 0 (school improvement score is based on improvement/decline of Ofsted judgements for schools whilst in the trust).

The offer will be focused on system leader time: up to ten days. Further details on the offer can be found in the flyer attached to this e-mail. Support will be provided by a strong system leader, primarily CEOs of sponsor MATs or National Leader of Education (NLEs).  

As in the previous academic year, DfE will continue to work with an externally contracted resource (Regional Delivery Partner) who will support their regional team to deliver the offer. 

The department’s Regions Group teams will make the final decisions on matching schools and trusts to system leaders, taking into account contextual information of the needs of the schools and trusts and availability of system leaders

DfE will contact the LA if any maintained schools in Warwickshire have become eligible for the offer following an Ofsted judgement of requires improvement. They will let the LA know and seek any contextual information the LA may have that could help in the matching process. DfE will then contact the school to explain the offer to them and confirm whether they wish to proceed to be matched with a system leader.

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