Coventry & Warwickshire Early Years Sector Guidance

As announced on 4th January 2021 by the Prime Minister, early years provision should remain open to all children to attend their expected hours as agreed with parents and guardians. However, as we work through another period of tight restrictions and increasing positive cases of Covid-19, many families are deciding to keep their children at home.

Huge efforts have been made to support families and provide a range of interesting, active learning experiences for children who are at home. We thank you whole heartedly for 'making it happen' day after day.

As many of you will be aware, Warwickshire LA works closely with Warwickshire Teaching School Alliance who have produced the attached guidance for us to share with the Early Years sector.

As one of the lead schools in the Warwickshire Teaching School, Kenilworth Maintained Nursery School are now working in partnership with Warwickshire LA to provide free daily home learning activities that parents/carers can access.

All activities are planned using resources that may be found in the home. They are also developing various videos and leaflets on topics such as phonics and early reading aimed at parents/carers to explain how children learn through play.

Their daily activity can be found at www.facebook.com/KenNurserySch for you to share or to use as a point of inspiration to support your own programs and approaches.

Click here to access further guidance written by Warwickshire Teaching School Alliance.

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