Does your Governing Board require professional clerking?

Warwickshire Governor Services offers a high quality, comprehensive and professional Clerking Service for schools and academy trusts in Warwickshire, Coventry, Solihull and Birmingham.

In addition to supporting Governing Boards in fulfilling their core functions, statutory duties and to promote high-quality governance, the well – established Clerking Service supports trustees and governors by providing professional clerking, advice and guidance on matters of governance.

Following a successful recruitment campaign, the Clerking Service has recently recruited additional School Governance Professionals (formerly known as Clerk(s) to the Governing Board) to:

  • meet demand and
  • support school and academy governing boards

If your Governing Board is looking to recruit a School Governance Professional, or you would like to discuss your Clerking arrangements, please contact Gurby Dhesi (gurbydhesi@warwickshire.gov.uk) to see how the Warwickshire Clerking Service can help you.

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