WE2 An empowering curriculum
Report on the work of SACRE 2018-19
The latest annual report on the work of Warwickshire Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) has recently been published and is available to read on the SACRE website at the link below:
SACRE Annual Report 2018-19 (pdf 1.5mb)
SACRE has a duty to publish a report every year which is sent to the secretary of state and other key partners, including schools, training institutions and councillors.
This report covers the management of SACRE, standards and quality of provision of RE in Warwickshire, as well as the support that SACRE provided last year including CPD sessions supporting the delivery of the Agreed Syllabus, a session for newly qualified teachers; regular RE Bulletins for schools, and monitoring and support visits for schools.
SACRE is a statutory body convened by the Local Authority (LA) to offer advice in relation to quality, standards and progress of Religious Education and Collective Worship in community schools.
It is a statutory requirement that SACRE produces an annual report by 31st December each calendar year detailing their activities. The report must be sent to the Secretary of State for Education as well as to key partners, including schools and councillors.
The main purpose of the report is to hold the LA to account, by informing the Secretary of State and key partners what advice SACRE gave the LA during the year and how that was responded to. This includes advice on RE and Collective Worship in those schools for which the LA has responsibility.
You can find more information about the work of the group on the SACRE website.
Helping schools to support young carers
Please keep reading for details of Young Carers Awareness Day 2020, free training to help schools to support young carers and a request to complete a short questionnaire to help Warwickshire Young Carers improve understand how they can develop their ways of working to improve the support they provide to young carers across the county.
Young Carers Awareness Day - 30 January 2020
In line with Young Carers Awareness Day on the 30 January, Warwickshire County Council will be joining forces with its partner, Warwickshire Young Carers. The joint initiative will see campaign messages around the profile of a young carer and the duties that a young carer undertakes daily.
In addition, we will also be promoting the ‘Count Me In’ campaign – led by the Carers Trust, the aim of the campaign is to encourage education providers to do more to proactively identify young carers and to ensure that they receive the recognition and support they deserve.
People are being asked to post images of themselves or their setting with the tagline ‘A young carer is…’
Here's a great example below that we spotted on Twitter from Stockingford Academy:
![Stockingford academy tweet young carers](/img/932/550/550)
Get involved on social media with #CountMeIn, #YoungCarersAwarenessDay and #Warksyc.
The campaign will run in the lead up to 30 January and make use of all social media channels, Twitter and Facebook.
Please make sure you follow, like and retweet the posts:
Twitter: @WarksYC @Warwickshire_CC
Facebook: @warwickshirecountycouncil @warwickshireyoungcarers
Warwickshire Young Carers School Award Consultation
Warwickshire Young Carers is currently undertaking a consultation to understand how they might work better with education providers to further support young carers in schools and to develop their offer. They would therefore be grateful if you would take five minutes to fill in their short questionnaire:
Warwickshire Young Carers Schools Work Consultation Questionnaire
Free training to help schools to support young carers
Warwickshire Young Carers offer free training to schools and other partners working with young carers to help raise awareness of the role that young carers play and the support available to them.
Dates for Young Carer Awareness Training and School Lead Training are available throughout the year - please check the Eventbrite page for details and to book your place.
Warwickshire Road Safety – Be Bright Be Seen Animation
![Be Bright Be Seen](/img/933/550/550)
Warwickshire Road Safety Club is pleased to introduce a new animated road safety film focusing on ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ during dark mornings and nights.
This animation forms part of the Warwickshire Road Safety Club's educational programme and is now available free of charge for all schools to download and share with their parents and children.
Schools are being encouraged to download the resource to share via social media, on their website and on information display screens, as well as during assembly.
The key message – make sure traffic can see you at all times – is reinforced by showing pedestrians and cyclists wearing reflective and fluorescent clothes.
For information about how to download the animation please contact roadsafetyeducation@warwickshire.gov.uk
Fully-funded training - Leading a Mentally Healthy School
Funded by the Warwickshire Improving SEND and SEMH in Schools Project (WISSSP)
A two-session fully-funded CPD programme for SLT members to lead their school to become mentally healthy.
The programme aims to enable and empower senior leaders to put mental health at the heart of strategic school improvement and to equip senior leaders with practical and sustainable approaches that can be implemented on return to school.
Various dates and venues are available to book onto, with courses starting early February.
Please see the attached flyer for more details and a link to the online booking form.
This training is run in partnership between WCC, The Griffin Teaching School Alliance and Hillmorton Teaching School Alliance.
Training to support pupils with additional needs
A number of Warwickshire's traded education services provide training and development to help schools to build capacity and skills to better support pupils with additional needs.
Please see a list below of upcoming courses provided by the Specialist Teaching Service (STS) and Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS).
For details of all training provided by WES traded services you can visit the WES website.
Available Training
Demand Avoidance (PDA) Training
Full day training session with a primary school focus, designed for practitioners supporting a student who has a diagnosis of Autism with Demand Avoidant features/Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA).
When/Where: 30 Jan 2020 at Pound Lane Learning Centre, Leamington Spa
Book this course
Inference Training
A group intervention for pupils in KS2 and KS3 who decode adequately but fail to get full meaning and enjoyment from their reading.
When/Where: 6 Feb 2020 at Pound Lane Learning Centre, Leamington Spa
Book this course
Assessing EAL New Arrivals
Two free funded places for all Local Authority primary schools.
Aims to build EAL capacity in schools.
When/Where: 28 Feb 2020 at Pound Lane Learning Centre, Leamington Spa
Book this course
EAL SEND Training
For teachers, teaching assistants, SEND & EAL Coordinators requiring support in identifying and assessing SEND in children or young people whose first language is not English.
When/Where: 27 Mar 2020 at Pound Lane Learning Centre, Leamington Spa
Book this course
Innovative cyber security challenge for 11-17 year olds
With Safer Internet Day on 11 February 2020 highlighting the theme 'Together for a better internet', there's no better time to raise the importance of cyber safety amongst young people and one way of getting your students involved could be through the Matrix Challenge.
The Matrix Challenge is an innovative cyber competition designed and led by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Cyber Crime Unit. It is delivered in partnership with the regional organised crime units across the UK.
Students aged from 11-17yrs may take part and will learn cyber security skills and how to keep safe online, especially in the gaming environment.
The Matrix Challenge is a self-contained online game available at home, in schools, clubs or anywhere you have access to a computer. The qualification stage is an online game consisting of five mini tasks, which went live on the website on Monday 20 January and will close on Thursday 14 February. The top 40 players from each region will qualify for a regional semi-final to be held in March 2020. Semi-finalists will take on five activity stations competing for a place in the national finals to be held on the 4 July 2020.
Engagement sessions, which can be tailored to suit both staff and students, are available to schools/clubs/colleges should further detail be required.
Further details are available by visiting the Matrix Challenge website.