WE1 Early Years

Early Years Aspiration Networks

Providing support and advice for settings and providers across the early years sector

The Warwickshire Teaching School Alliance (WTSA) is working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council to establish 14 new Early Years Aspiration Networks. These networks aim to support workforce development and quality improvement, as well as to grow networking opportunities. They are open to all early years practitioners working with children aged birth to five in schools and settings and are free to attend.

Meetings will be held around five times per year (linked to geographical consortia groups) and will cover areas such as:

  • effective teaching, learning and assessment
  • closing the gap
  • family engagement in learning
  • effective practice for the 30 hours model
  • what ‘good’ practice looks like and how to achieve it

The focus for each network will be tailored according to the locality and a data package for each group will be provided to help target specific local needs and to plan the focus for the year.  

The roll out for these networks has already begun with the successful launch of these five groups in the summer term 2019:

Consortia Network Lead
Nuneaton East & Stockingford Sharon Kindred
Bedworth Jane Harris
Leamington North Rachel Cooper
Leamington South Rachel Gillett
Warwick & Southam Cathy Bignold

Plans are underway to launch six more networks across Warwickshire in the autumn term 2019:

Consortia Network Lead
North Warwickshire Nicci Burton
Kenilworth Rachel Gillett
Stratford, Henley & Studley Debbie Bateman/Lisa Pinkerton
Nuneaton Hartshill Sharon Kindred
Rugby Town Catherine Crisp
Rural Rugby & East Sandra Barnes/Becky Dowler

The launches of the remaining three consortia groups (North Warks – Coleshill & Kingsbury, Bidford & Alcester and Kineton & Shipston) will take place during the spring term 2020.

If you would like to find out further information or have any questions on how to access the meetings in your area, please contact the Teaching School Coordinator Michelle Hutton on Hutton.m2@welearn365.com

Outstanding inspection for Abbey Fields Nursery

Congratulations to all the staff at Abbey Fields Nursery and Out Of School Care who recently received ‘Outstanding’ judgements across all of the four inspection areas - leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for children.

Ofsted stated:

"The manager is passionate about her staff team and the high-quality service they provide. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience that she cascades to her staff team to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and their families."

"The manager and staff have high aspirations for all children. They strive to continually engage and excite children, taking them on an adventure as they learn through play. For example, children explore where wool comes from, how through different processes it can change over time and the various uses it has."

"Children's behaviour is superb and staff act as excellent role models. Children relish their time in nursery and their eagerness and motivation to learn is infectious. Staff build children's confidence and self-esteem and recognise their efforts and achievements."

"Parents enthusiastically share their extremely positive views about the nursery and the excellent staff team. They particularly like the engagement of extended family, such as grandparents, who are included in the life of the nursery."

"The manager and staff place the utmost priority on their continual professional development. They access a rich and varied range of training to enhance their knowledge and skills and support children in the best possible way."

"Self-evaluation is excellent. It takes into account information from parents, children and staff. There is a strong focus on how changes within the nursery can benefit not only the children but the family as a whole."

 You can read the full report on the Ofsted website here.

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