Headquarters 11 Signal and West Midlands Brigade Engagement Branch Catalogue of Engagement Products
CSW AFCC is successfully delivering enrichment activities such as team building, confidence and leadership activities to schools.
The team has robust COVID-19 measures in place and close communications with the schools has enabled students to benefit from problem solving outdoor activities and desk top planning with their teams of soldiers. The team also been asked to deliver ‘meet a soldier’ sessions to talk about why they joined the armed forces and what career choices there are – teachers have been very keen to use our support to try and fill the gap of career activity that students missed during lockdown 1.
CSW AFCC is looking at 2021 bookings so urge anyone who may be interested to get in touch soon.
Download below all the available materials:
Headquarters 11 Signal and West Midlands Brigade Engagement Branch
Improving health and wellbeing support for armed forces in England– engagement toolkit
Making health and care services better for armed forces families
Making health and care services better for armed forces families - Easier to read questionnaire