Network meetings - Spring dates

Virtual School for Children Looked After / Previously Looked After- Network Meetings

Thank you to the Designated Teachers and Designated Teacher Supports who attended our first Network Meetings this term. The Network Meetings provide an opportunity to build links with other DTs and to share ideas and good practice. Special thanks to those who shared something from their work in schools. Topics included:

- Using SDQ’s to inform practice

- Supporting Children Previously Looked After / CPLA Education Plan

- Creating a sense of belonging for staff and children

- Dedicated support for CLA / CPLA – a secondary school example

- CLA / CPLA monitoring emotional well-being log

- BASE skills and positive behaviour approach

Spring term meetings dates have now been arranged. They will be teams meetings but are arranged into the areas as we will have physical meetings as soon as we are able. All meetings are suitable for settings of all ages.

Nuneaton and North Warwickshire 28th January 4- 5pm

Rugby area 4th February 4- 5pm

South Warwickshire 2nd March 4-5pm

Would you like to share next time? The success of network meetings relies on sharing with each other – this is a short 5-10 minute slot where you could share a resource, idea, good practice from your school / setting. Please contact the Virtual School / your linked Education Adviser to discuss.

To book any of the sessions please email virtualschool@warwickshire.gov.uk with the session being booked and the email of the person attending the training (so that the Teams invitation is set up with the correct email address).

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