Have your say in shaping Warwickshire’s Careers Strategy
Warwickshire educators, businesses and local residents are to have their say on shaping a new Careers Strategy for the county.
Warwickshire County Council is undertaking a public consultation from 19 June – 26 July, to allow a wide variety of voices to give feedback on the Council’s draft Careers Strategy.
Effective careers and employability advice and support are critical components of a successful local economy. They can help people gain the skills needed by local employers, and pursue careers that match their talents and interests, as well as support those who want, or need, to change occupations. Good careers advice can also facilitate social mobility by raising aspirations and highlighting career pathways individuals may not have thought of.
With the number of vacancies posted online in Warwickshire growing, and the ratio of vacancies to working age population almost double the national regional average, according to Office for National Statistics figures, an effective careers strategy for the county is vital.
Key audiences for the consultation include residents - particularly, vulnerable groups such as care leavers; young people, parents and adults looking to retrain; businesses; education and training providers. The County Council will be running a series of formal and informal meetings and consultations to reach these groups across the county with the help of schools the Local Enterprise Partnership; Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, and the Federation of Small Businesses.
To take part in the online consultation follow this link: http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/ask
Warwickshire County Council’s new draft Careers Strategy is based on the principles set out in the Government’s National Careers Strategy of December 2017 which highlights the merits of timely careers and employability support in terms of sustainable employment and higher lifetime earnings. Warwickshire County Council’s draft Careers Strategy currently has five key priorities:
• Raising the awareness of the range of career and employment opportunities locally, inspiring residents of all ages to develop their education and skills as far as possible
• Building the capacity of our education providers to deliver effective and sustainable Careers support and advice
• Providing targeted support and help to our most vulnerable learners
• Improving alignment of demand and supply of skills, now and in the future
• Encouraging and enabling businesses to recruit from a richer and wider talent pool.