Congratulations to the staff at The Purple Playhouse

Congratulations to all the staff at The Purple Playhouse in Leamington Spa who recently received ‘Outstanding’ judgements across all of the 4 inspection areas - Leadership and management; Quality of teaching, learning and assessment; Personal development, behaviour and welfare; and Outcomes for children.

Ofsted stated:

  • The manager and her deputy are passionate about providing a high-quality service to children and their families. They lead their well-established staff team with encouragement and enthusiasm.
  • Strong reflective practice is exceptional and identifies areas they can improve even further in the environment, as a group and as individuals.
  • Staff deployment is superb. The manager and her deputy are fully aware of the staff's individual and unique qualities.
  • Children relish their time in the nursery environment and are making excellent progress in relation to their individual starting points.
  • Staff's knowledge of their key children and their families is commendable. The sharply focused planning ensures that gaps in children's learning are identified without delay.
  • Parents are given a wealth of guidance and the loan of resources to help them fully support their children's learning at home.
  • The staff team is extremely knowledgeable about how to promote children's health and well-being.
  • Staff's understanding of safeguarding is comprehensive. They are extremely vigilant, and they know exactly what they need to do if they have a concern about a child in their care and take immediate action.

 Read the full report here.

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