Exploring faith views and climate change: event for primary pupils
Rugby Inter Faith Forum, in conjunction with Coventry and Warwickshire SACREs and Bilton CE Junior School presents:
An event to explore the role of religion and worldviews in addressing climate change and care for the environment
Thursday 13 June 2019, 9.30am - 11.30am at Bilton CE Junior School, Rugby
This is an excellent post-SATs project for Year 6, or a challenge for Year 5 pupils. Prior to the event, pupils will be asked to prepare a faith perspective on the topic of climate change and care for the environment which will be exhibited on the day. The event will also challenge pupils to put forward their views as part of a debate around the following statement:
"Religion is an essential factor in motivating individuals to protect the environment and address climate change."
For more details see the attached flyer or email the RE Facilitator for Warwickshire jenniferjenkins@warwickshire.gov.uk