Thank you to governors for participation in webinar
Thank you to governors from across Warwickshire for participating in a recent SEND and Inclusion webinar that took place on 1 July with speaker Professor Adam Boddison.
This event provided an opportunity to hear more about the SEND and Inclusion Change Programme from Duane Chappell, SEND & Inclusion Strategy & Commissioning Manager, and the national context from an external speaker Professor Adam Boddison.
Professor Boddison is Chief Executive at the National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) and Chair of Whole School SEND. He is also a National Leader of Governance and sits on the boards of the Active Learning Trust and the Academies Enterprise Trust, which together provide education for more than 40,000 children across 80 schools (and 6,600 staff), spanning primary, secondary and specialist settings.
Professor Boddison is a Trustee of the Potential Trust, a member of the National SEND Forum and a Fellow of the RSA, as well as Chair of the National SEND Reference Group.
It was a really informative discussion and 47 governors were in attendance from schools across the county.
Some attendees said:
"This has been full of so much valuable information, Think Send! and the classroom example of 'vital for some, valuable for all' are the biggest takeaways for me. Thank you!"
"Really enjoyed it"
"That was really helpful and informative thank you!"