Warwickshire Team Teach Summer Term Update
As we draw near to the end of this academic year we wanted to give you the latest Warwickshire Team Teach updates.
Fortunately we have been able to begin to deliver training again and are very appreciative to these schools for their support and flexibility.
We are pleased to let you know that we will be restarting 6 hour initial Open course training in November. So for any current accredited schools who wish to book places please contact Julia on juliajessup@warwickshire.gov.uk
We have reviewed the cost of training and have decided that for the next academic year (2021/22) there will not be a price increase.
The work to catch up on postponed training continues to progress well. By the end of academic year 2021/22 we aim to be fully caught up and no longer needing to extend accreditation; thank you for your understanding.
We have a well-established process within Warwickshire for schools to book Team Teach training. As well as our reminders to book your refresher training you may also receive a reminder email directly from Team Teach National. There is no need to respond to this please just contact us as usual to book.
Julia Jessup Team Teach Coordinator (juliajessup@warwickshire.gov.uk)
Vanessa Gilbert Team Teach Strategic Lead (gilbert.v@welearn365.com)
Thank you as always for you continued support. Have a good last few weeks and a great Summer.
Vanessa and Julia