WCC Part Time Timetable Protocol

WCC would like to remind all schools about the guidance on part time timetables. We have been made aware that Ofsted have made this a focus on some of their inspections and wanted to support school to ensure they were following the protocol agreed across Warwickshire.   

This guidance sets out the legal framework in relation to the rights of all statutory school aged children and young people to receive full time education appropriate to their age and irrespective of their needs. It is intended to assist schools and education settings in ensuring compliance with statutory guidance and to ensure that they do not inadvertently exclude a pupil illegally.  

As well as the potential impact on educational standards, a part-time timetable can present a significant safeguarding risk if not managed appropriately.  Evidence shows that children and young people from vulnerable groups are more likely to be in receipt of a part time timetable than their peers and in turn are more likely to be subject of safeguarding concerns. Every school must adhere to the statutory guidance provided in the most recent version of Keeping Children Safe in Education. This applies particularly to children on part-time timetables.  

This guidance is designed to support all schools to ensure they work within the legislative framework and outlines WCC expectation of all schools.   

Part time protocol - https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-205639421-369.docx 

Notification of a Temporary Reduced Timetable - https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-205639421-368.docx 


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