Sources of Evidence to Inform Practice – FREE twilight for school leaders and teachers from Staffordshire Research School

This free event will take place on Monday 13th December and15:45-16:45 pm. 

This session aims to inform teachers and leaders on where to get reputable sources of evidence both nationally and internationally. Facilitators will draw upon the updated EEF Toolkit and Guidance Reports, The Chartered College of Teaching as well as other reliable sources from the UK and beyond. This free twilight is aimed at main scale teachers and aspiring/new middle leaders as well as senior leaders wishing to make their schools more evidence informed.

Content will cover the following:

  • Reflect on what makes a good piece of evidence. Understand the different sources of research-informed practice that are available to school teachers and leaders through the EEF and other organisations.
  • A case study of how membership of the Chartered College of Teaching is an effective avenue of exploring and implementing research-informed practice. This will be led by an experienced fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching.
  • Explore the updated EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit and its underpinning evidence and how that could have practical applications in how we construct lessons and whole-school curricular.

Further information and details of how to book can be found here.

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