Early years update newsletter
Please check here the latest edition of the Early years newsletter by Education Endowment Foundation.
Understanding and supporting mental health in infancy and early childhood – a toolkit to support local action in the UK.
UNICEF UK and the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development & Learning (PEDAL), have developed a resource to support local areas in a shared understanding of mental health in infancy and early childhood.
The toolkit aims to:
- Help partners from different services and professions to develop a deeper, shared understanding of mental health in infancy and early childhood, and the factors that influence it
- Support service leaders, commissioners and other decision makers and policy teams to develop whole-system responses to ensure babies and young children are mentally healthy now, and are supported to develop the skills they need to continue to be mentally healthy throughout their lives.
- Provide resources, signposting, and conversation guides to support constructive local discussions, decisions and action about the needs of babies and young children in their area, and what more might be done to respond to these needs (including through strategy development across mental health, maternity, early years or Family Hubs & Start for Life).
Download the toolkit here.
FREE Webinar for Early Years Professionals
On Wednesday 28th June 6:30-7:30, alongside the Early Years Alliance we are offering a 1 hour session for professionals working with children in the early years to discuss children's online experiences.
The session will explore the risks of children accessing devices, and how to best mitigate against these.
Book here.
FREE Webinars for Parents
Family Connect: screens in the early years
DigiSafe have partnered with the Early Years Alliance to offer a 1 hour webinar on Thursday 8th June 10-11am to parents of children aged 0-5 years, about simple steps to take to keep children safe when using online devices.
Find out more here.
Talking about wee and poo
Join Eric for an evening webinar, led by their Helpline Advisors looking at common bowel and bladder problems that children experience and how you can help overcome and manage them.
Our Helpline team will help you to understand how bowels and bladders work, what can go wrong and what to do about it.
The session will include:
- Signposting to helpful resources
- Tips and advice on how to help your child drink better
- Help on introducing a daily toileting routine
- Signposting on where and how to get help for your child at nursery, school or in your local health services.
Resources and Updates
Autism & ADHD
Autism & ADHD was founded by Annie Clements and set up to support those living or working with Autism and ADHD.
They have recently created some free information booklets on ‘Applying for PIP & DLA’ and ‘How to Apply for an EHC Plan’ (these can be downloaded by clicking on each title).
If you want to sign up to receive their newsletter, you can also access a free training video called ‘Little Things that can make a Big Difference.’
Read more here
It's Mental Health Awareness Week!
Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from Monday 15th – Sunday 21st May 2023. The official theme for this year, as set by the Mental Health Foundation, is ‘anxiety.’
You can find out more by clicking these links:
Play is essential for children's development and mental well-being. Jo Stockdale discusses the importance of nurturing play in children’s learning readiness.
Click to read
Why Families Love 50 Things 
In this blog, 50 Things Enthusiast, Carrie talks about how 50 Things has had a huge impact on her children's lives and how beneficial it has been for their development.
Click to read