Early learning resources from BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize has put together a really useful list of fun and educational early learning resources covering the following areas:
- Maths
- Literacy, Language and Communication
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
- Wellbeing and Development
- Physical Education and Development
It's been made in collaboration with learning experts so can be used by parents, as well as teachers, to create simple and engaging learning opportunities with younger children.
You can find the resources on the BBC Bitesize website here.
Outstanding result for Harbury Pre School
Congratulations to all the staff at Harbury Pre School who recently received ‘Outstanding’ judgements across all of the four inspection areas - leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for children.
Ofsted stated:
"The manager and staff are extremely passionate about the work that they do.They know each child very well in this inclusive setting. They ensure that all children receive the right support early to help to narrow any gaps in their development so that they quickly catch up."
"Children develop strong independence skills. They learn to manage their ownpersonal care needs from a very young age."
"Opportunities for children to develop their physical skills are continually well promoted. Children have fun and happily take on challenges, such as walking along balance beams and climbing over structures. They willingly try and try again, and staff are quick to celebrate their achievements."
"Children develop positive relationships and make friends easily with others whoattend. They work together on chosen tasks."
"Children receive a very high quality of education. Staff have a clear understanding of each child's learning needs. Accurate assessments of their development are used routinely to plan precisely for what they want children to achieve next. Parents regularly receive these detailed plans for activities which show what the staff intend for children to learn. Parents say that these plans help them to talk with their children about what they have learned. Parents speak very highly of the care their children receive and report that their children are making remarkable progress while attending."
"The environment is bright and full of stimulating resources and experiences which draw children in. Children access the resources that interest them and regularly seek to involve staff in their play. Children form strong attachments with their key persons and other staff. Staff model communication skills exceptionally well. They use their skills to ask open questions that challenge children to think and give ample time for a response. Children are becoming skilled talkers and use eloquent language to express themselves and talk through what they are doing."
"Children are offered a wealth of additional experiences while attending the preschool."
You can read the full report for Harbury Pre School on Ofsted's website here.