Feedback on Child and Young Person’s Dimensions Tool

Are you a professional using the Child and Young Person’s Dimensions Tool?

Then, your views are needed to determine whether any changes could improve the way the Tool works for you.

The Dimensions Tool signposts to resources to support the wellbeing of school age children in Coventry and Warwickshire. This interactive tool helps parents, carers and professionals to find better quality information to support their children.

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust would like to hear from professional users about how you use the Dimensions Tool and whether the algorithms built into it are helpful to you; this is the way the Tool works to produce outputs and results.

Please complete this this short, anonymous survey to help them to evaluate the impact of any change to the way the professionals’ version works.

Please complete the survey here

The survey will be open until Sunday 25th July 2021.  If you have any further queries, please contact the Dimensions Tool team: dimensions@covwarkpt.nhs.uk


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