Chnge4Life “10MSU” summer campaign
Public Health England (PHE) and Disney UK, with support from Sport England, today launches the national Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up campaign to help get the nation’s children active.
The campaign, '10MSU' aims to get primary school aged children more active by playing Disney-inspired 10-Minute Shake Up games. The games help children develop and practise the skills they need to build key physical attributes of strength, stamina and agility.
ACTION You can order and download a range of digital and print assets to support your local activities from the Campaign Resource Centre (CRC). During the summer school term, a take-home Shake Up games pack is being delivered to over 16,500 state funded primary schools across England. A number of free curriculum-linked schools resources are available for teachers to download on the School Zone to help embed active habits in schools.
For further information:
Introducing Think Active; the new name for CSW Sport
On 5 July 2019 at the Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire Summer School Games county festival, the hosts for the event announced the launch of their new name; ‘Think Active’.
As part of a network of Active Partnerships that was established nearly 20 years ago (then County Sports Partnerships), Think Active will continue to be a significant part of the sport and physical activity landscape within Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire, flexing to meet demand and advocating for sport & physical activity across multiple sectors. As CSW Sport, the organisation has a long track record of successfully delivering Sport England funded programmes, building strong, local networks and impacting upon groups and individuals to support them to become more active.
Sharon Lea, Chair of Think Active said:
"We know that the most inactive people in Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire do not have being physically active on their radar and some are a considerable distance from meeting the Chief Medical Officer guidelines. We also know that either actual or perceived, there are several barriers preventing [the most inactive] people from being active."
Our message is to advocate the benefits of sport & physical activity within the systems and networks that we work in so that everyone uses their influence to affect change; to normalise physical activity as part of everyone’s day to day life.
Our name change, to Think Active, supports this work and we believe it better reflects our role and purpose. We will support and help others to think active. We aim to use the brand name in day to day conversations that reflect the what we do.
Think reflects the importance of creating positive perceptions and behaviour in relation to sport & physical activity. For those people who do not have physical activity on their radar, we want to get them to think about it. For those people who are contemplating being active we want to help give them the an encouraging nudge. For those who are active we will support them to realise their potential. It refers to the importance of changing behaviour and positively influencing policy, provision and participation levels.
Active reflects the full range of sport & physical activity from walking, gardening and cycling to work through to traditional sport. We want ‘everyone in Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire to benefit from and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle in safe & thriving communities’.
We look forward to continuing to deliver our ‘Inspiring Active Communities’ strategy and, in partnership with the National Lottery, Sport England and local partners, have a positive impact on the individuals and communities across Coventry, Solihull & Warwickshire. We have the challenge to use the power and potential of sport and physical activity to enable future generations to have healthier more prosperous lives.
For more information see or contact Vicky Joel 07885 200523
Counter terrorism training specifically for head teachers
Project Argus is a completely free event which takes you through a realistic terrorist attack. It is put on by the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Resilience Team. It is aimed at Warwickshire head teachers and senior leadership teams only.
Headteachers should have received an email during the last week of term with a flyer and information on how to book.
For any queries please contact Debbie Hibberd on 01926 743015 or 07932007324.
SEND Voice newsletter
The latest edition of the SEND Voice Newsletter is now available to read here.
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