Championing Employability

September Guarantee - 98.7% of young people in Warwickshire in 2021 had a suitable Post 16 offer

The September Guarantee was published on the 8th Feb 2022. The percentage of Warwickshire young people with a suitable post 16 offer in 2021 was higher than last year and higher that the West Midlands and England averages. 
The September Guarantee helps local authorities fulfil their duty to provide education and training to young people and find them a suitable place. It also helps them to work with their partners, particularly schools and colleges, and to agree how the process will work in their area.

The offer should be appropriate to the young person’s needs and can include:

  • full-time education in school sixth-forms or colleges
  • an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • employment combined with part-time education or training
Thank you to all the Post 16 providers in the area and Prospects for all your hard work to ensure we continue to improve year on year and remain above the England and West Midlands average
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