New strategy to support victims of domestic abuse is approved

Warwickshire County Council has approved a Safe Accommodation Strategy, which provides safe accommodation and support for women, men and children who are at risk of, or have experienced domestic abuse.

The three-year strategy is a requirement of the new Domestic Abuse Act 2021. The Act requires Local Authorities to have a comprehensive strategy that provides both an immediate and a longer-term solution to vulnerable domestic abuse victims.

To help deliver the strategy, Warwickshire County Council has developed a ‘Safe Accommodation Working Group’ which includes representatives from across the county including Refuge – Warwickshire’s Domestic Abuse service provider, colleagues from the county’s five District and Borough Councils and Warwickshire Police.

The five core objectives of the strategy are:

  • Early intervention and prevention: victims (adults and children) are supported at an early stage and provided with options to remain safe at home to prevent homelessness. Includes holding perpetrators to account for their behaviour.
  • Accessible services: victim-survivors and professionals know how to access safe accommodation options, both within and outside of Warwickshire.
  • Appropriate safe accommodation: accommodation options and appropriate support is in place for all victim-survivors who need it
  • Multiagency delivery: victim-survivors needs will be met by effective, collaborative multi-agency support
  • Support to return home or move on victim-survivors are supported to return home safely and/or move into alternative permanent accommodation.

Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “Warwickshire County Council Cabinet along with partners and colleagues support the approval of the Safe Accommodation Strategy. In line with the Council Plan, Warwickshire continues to protect the most vulnerable within its communities and along with our partners, we will continue to provide immediate and long-term solutions for those suffering at the hands of a perpetrator.”

A full copy of the strategy can be downloaded here

Anyone experiencing domestic abuse can access help and advice via the Talk2Someone website at www.talk2someone.org.uk/ If you are in immediate danger please dial 999.

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