Educaterers - New primary school menu launched

Primary schools who use the Educaterers service, who have taken over delivery of school meals from Warwickshire County Council, will be interested to know that they launched their new primary school menu on 6th November.

Educaterers, a Local Authority Traded Company – the first for Warwickshire County Council – delivers 125,000 meals a week across the county and will be providing pupils with new photograph menus on a three week rotation. This means that pupils can see what the meals look like before making their choices.

The menu – which now includes a deli bag option – is fully compliant with School Food Standards. Educaterers have also been awarded The Soil Association’s Silver Food for Life accreditation.  See an example menu.

New dishes on the menu include salmon pasta bake, cheesy barbecue bacon pasta and a strawberry bun made with fruit juice and strawberries, so no added sugar in the mix.

Educaterers is wholly owned by Warwickshire County Council as the sole shareholder and delivers meals to 195 schools in Warwickshire. Among the initiatives designed to encourage take up of school meals, they have launched the Nutrigang campaign to create a more engaging lunchtime experience for younger pupils.

Educaterers hope that their new menus are enjoyed by primary schools that use their service and welcome your feedback, which provides an active part in both the development of their future menus as well as the retention of favourite dishes and popular themes.

For more information go to www.educaterers.co.uk, or email contactus@educaterers.co.uk

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