Primary SEMH Steering Group

The Primary Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Steering Group meets termly to discuss primary school SEMH provision within Warwickshire. The group, which is chaired by Pat Tate, consists of five Primary Phase Headteachers (one from each District and Borough), as well as Local Authority representatives. Meetings focus on sharing existing good practise as well as exploring ways of strengthening the SEMH provision across Warwickshire's primary schools.

A key piece of work championed by this group are the Primary School SEMH Capacity Building Bids which provide funding of up to £10000 for groups of primary schools working together to develop their SEMH capacity. Look out in future editions of Heads Up for details of the next round of bidding launch events which will be taking place in the Spring Term.

You can read a item on sharing good Primary SEMH practice from St Nicholas CofE Primary School, Alcester and Westgate Primary School, here

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