Vacancies on Schools Forum

There are currently two vacancies on the Schools Forum for:

  • a secondary maintained representative - open to a head teacher or governor 
  • an academy representative - open to a head teacher or governor 

If you would like to be considered for either of the vacant positions please complete the nomination form and email this to helencolvin@warwickshire.gov.uk by 12 noon on Friday 17 November 2017.

Academy Nomination Form

Secondary Maintained Nomination Form

If more than one person is nominated for each position then the nominee with the highest number of votes will be elected.

The next meeting of Schools Forum will be held at 1pm on Friday 01 December 2017 in Northgate House Conference Room, Northgate House, Warwick.

Papers will be uploaded to the Schools Forum webpage one week before the meeting.


Further information about Schools Forum

Members will be appointed to the Schools Forum for a 1 year period; elections are held in May each year. 

The Schools Forum will meet at least four times in an academic year.  

Any member of the Forum may ask for items to be placed on the agenda by writing to the Finance Manager (Resources and Schools).

Agendas and papers to be considered by the Forum will be sent out five working days in advance of the meeting.  Late items may be considered at the discretion of the Chair.  Draft minutes will be circulated within 10 working days of the meeting.

Substitute representatives (for any voting member) may attend meetings if the appointed representative is unable to attend. Substitutes will be able to vote on behalf of the member they are representing. However, attendance of appointed representatives is strongly encouraged.

Substitutes for ‘schools’ representatives can be another Headteacher or senior member of staff, that is a Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Bursar or person responsible for the financial management of a school.

Meetings of the Schools Forum will be open to members of the public who may observe but not take part.  The Forum may move into private session for confidential items, which, for example identify individuals or individual schools, at the discretion of the Chair. 

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